: : This is a DATA file for the DRMDEMO.BAT file : for DRMENU version 3.0 : : Remarks are lines like this one, ie. with colons in position #1 This top section contains DOT LINES to be used in your system .Thermometer : .BW .Chime00 .TimeOut 1 .BlankerMessage Joe's PC Store .SWITCHON BIMTX .CTLSWITCHON AB --- now the three screens are defined --- Screen One .Screen 1 .Title The First Screen .Color blue on WHITE .BarColor Lemon on BLUE Run PolySpecial{DRMDEMO1} Run JTBase{DRMDEMO2} +Freeware by JHT - 1994 Backup News files to Drive D:{DRMDEMO3} +files go into \TVSHOW\ on the LAN Check Drive C: for Viruses{DRMDEMO4} +Using ViraChex Version 289 Edit file%1 for travel ideas{DRMDEMO5} %Filespec: Delete all BAK files in Z:\Temp\ Subdir{DRMDEMO6}abcd the password for the above line is "abcd" (lowercase) .END ------------------------------------------------------------------ Screen Two .Screen 2 .Title Office Work .Color red on white .BarColor Snow on RED Run Spreadsheet{DRMDEMO1} Run Database{DRMDEMO2} Run TMES30 to set DAY=today's date{DRMDEMO4} +TMES is free for individual use - set's Environment Backup News files to Drive D:{DRMDEMO3} +files go into \TVSHOW\ on the LAN Format B: as 1.2Meg HD Drive{DRMDEMO4} +Use these diskettes for Mailing COPY file%1 to A: drive for travel{DRMDEMO5} %Filespec: Delete all files in D:\WP51\ Subdir{DRMDEMO6}FREE the password for the above line is "FREE" (uppercase) .END ------------------------------------------------------------------ Screen Three .Screen 3 .Title Freedom for Collections .Color Black ON White .BarColor SNOW on Green Run Spreadsheet - Qwatrow Poe {DRMDEMO1} Run Database - DeeBace Fore {DRMDEMO2} Backup News files to Drive D: {DRMDEMO3} +files go into \TVSHOW\ on the LAN Format A: as 1.44Meg HD Drive {DRMDEMO4} +Use these diskettes for Pharmacy Backups COPY file%1 to A: drive for travel{DRMDEMO5} +You must have a filespec to use this! %Filespec: Delete all files in B:\Temp\ Subdirectory{DRMDEMO6}=drmenu +the password for the above line is "DRMENU" (anycase) This is the LAST Screen .END-------------------------------------------------------------------